The Ice Princess’s Fair Illusion

Marian never wanted to get married, but then Marian's father promises he'll force her to wed the first beggar to arrive at the palace gates in a fit of pique. Edel only came to strengthen political ties, but she finds herself drawn to the haughty girl and determines to save her. This sapphic, queerplatonic retelling of King Thrushbeard is told in free verse.
All Marian wants is for society to accept that she’s just not interested in… whatever society thinks she ought to be interested in. A princess with a reputation for insults and snide remarks, she’s afraid to show anyone who she would be if people would let her. In a fit of temper at her refusal to marry, her father creates her worst nightmare: she is to be wed to the first beggar who arrives at the gates.
Edel was visiting purely for diplomatic reasons, aiming to ensure her daughter inherits a strong and peaceful kingdom. She sees something in Marian that is achingly familiar and when Edel hears the king’s proclamation, only one thing is on her mind: to protect Marian from the fate that had befallen Edel herself.
Their lives threaded together by magic, Edel and Marian will have to find their way in the world in this queerplatonic, sapphic verse novel retelling of King Thrushbeard.
Content Warnings: acephobia/acemisia, arophobia/aromisia, sexual assault, brief allusion to self-harm, PTSD, spousal death, parental death, unsupportive parents